Las primeras cinco personas que dejen un comentario en este mensaje y me hagan saber que quieren participar, recibirán un pequeño regalo hecho a mano por mí.
Las reglas son simples:.
No hay tiempo límite pero no tardré mucho en mandarlos,
Debe publicar un mensaje en su blog y estar dispuesto y comprometido a enviar 5 regalos a los primeros 5 participantes. Esto es todo!
The first five people who leave a comment on this post,
and let me know you want to participate, will receive a handmade gift from me.
The rules are simple.
There is no time limit, but I promise not to take forever getting your gift to you:~)
You must post this on your blog and be willing to send handmade gifts to the first five participants.
That's it!
This is all about friendship and fun!

10 comentarios:
Parece muy divertido, yo desde luego me apunto. Besos
Gracias por unirte Carmen!...
Un beso
Thank you for joining in my swap!
Please email me your address so I can send your gift to you.
Me apunto profe.Un besazo
Gracias Mali, tesoro, por participar.
Hi Rosa could i please join too or am i too late??
Rachel, you are IN.
I have send You a mail, please senn me your address.
Un abrazo
Rosa, I am very glad that you joined the exchange. And I want to list your exchange :)
My address I will send you an e-mail.
Good weekend!
Hola! envíame tu dirección a
Maria Ireland dijo...
Hello :) I have long been an admirer of your work. Thank you so much for all the kind words you have for me when you visit my blog.I am not sure if it translated right but did i see ( on another blog )that you still have one place left in your pif ? If yes i would love to have treasure from you.Hugs
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